Saturday, December 19, 2009

Seismic Shift in compute models?

With Amazon's launch spot pricing/bidding for EC2 the case/drive for an enterprise compute spigot becomes all the more compelling. Today when pricing solutions typically we comparing the an internal TCO against a fix rate of X for compute cycles. With this model... we can and should be building provisioning engines that push/burst computation (HPC requirements/apps) to where it's the cheapest.

With this move by Amazon I would expect to see other players follow suit and quickly and perhaps some of that follow the sun model we strive for in IT can finally be achieved through global cloud mesh with cost based provision layer in between computing needs and computing resources.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hypervisor Shoot out

it's a little geeky I know if your interested in the big picture but beneath it all sits the enabling technology - the Hypervisor. I found this shoot today comparing XEN, HyperV and VMware for those interested these type of things...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great article on clouding in information week comparing vendors

This article contrasts some of the main differences between some of the major IaaS vendors. Surprisingly GoGrid fell off the map (not rated) but it does at least provide a landscape view along with contract and cost per hour etc.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Citrix Cloud..

A friend of mine sent me this post.. which has the most obvious description of the cloud that I will now start using :->... (abstraction of hardware from software)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cloud Desktop

This is a very interesting service as it was meant not only to highlight technology (that rides on Amazon Web Services) but also as it was a joint venture between the Isreali's and Palinistinians's.

Monday, June 15, 2009 Launches free PaaS platform

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not to be outdone here's google datacenter

I like the facebook one better gives you better idea what they actually process but if your interested.. 

Ready, Set, download... (your cloud)

on Thursday ubunto will offer a server release that will incorporate eucalyptus open source cloud in the distribution.   I believe that this will be a key to the adoption in the use of the public cloud (getting enterprises playing/using private clouds then later migrating as trust increases)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Interesting Blog Entry regarding Oath

I wonder how the coming STS based systems (Geneva etc) and Oath Will interact and what the implications are for traditional SAML federations schemes

Friday, April 3, 2009

Now what?

... So I've been following, using and considering this cloud this for a few months now and believe that as one speaker at conference I recently attended said "they have read the mind of God"... and it has a single word ... "cloud"

Hype aside I as many do believe this a paradigm shift (or least a perception of one) for the IT market.    Everyone believes to one degree or another that a shift will take place that move computing resources to public providers - no differently than power generation was moved to utlity companies.     Where the disagreements come in seems to be when this will happen and how long will it remain closed game (each cloud providor onto themself)

more posting to come on the last weeks conferences ....